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Thursday, November 14, 2013


GATTACA Interview Part I
Journal Page 38 

Interviewee’s name _____________________
  1. If humans decided to begin living on another planet, would you want to go?  Why or why not?
  2. Who do you think should be allowed to go to the new planet?  Anyone or only the “best” humans?
  3. Have you ever wished that you could change something about yourself? If you could, would you?
  4. How far would you go to do it?  (Ex: money, pain, sacrifice, fingers or toes, ANYTHING?)

GATTACA Interviews Part II
Journal Page 38

Interviewee’s name _____________________
  1. What experiences have you had with discrimination in your life? (yourself or to others)
  2. How do you feel about the type of “genetic discrimination” shown in the film?
  3. What parts of this movie do you think might someday become reality?  Why? When?
  4. Do you think that Jerome (Vincent) is going to make it to the other planet?  Why or why not?
  5. Did you thank your interviewee for their time?
link to Part II Survey

GATTACA Interviews Part III
Journal Page 38

Interviewee’s name _____________________

  1. If you could have your boy/girl friend “sequenced” to see how good a “catch” they are, would you?  How much would you pay?  What would you want to know?
  2. If you could parent a “Designer Baby,” would you want to?  Why or Why not?
  3. If you did have a “designer baby” what advantages & disadvantages would you expect?
  4. What concerns do you have about DNA/genetic technology?
  5. What benefits do you think DNA/genetic technology could provide society?